


原作者: AgentDO|来自: 查看详细|2-5-2019 11:43

摘要: Requirements: - English and Mandarin Speaking - Familiar with Office tools such as Excel, Work, PPT - Social media marketing skills is a plus - Responsible, Team Player, Good communication skills - Flexibl ...
  • 准证要求:PR或公民 
  • 职位:文秘助理 小时工 
  • 工作性质:兼职 
  • 发布人:公司直招
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 性别要求:男 女 
  • 学历要求:高中 中专 大专 
  • 工资待遇:面议 
  • 联系人:Deniel
  • 电话:
  • 微信:DO91129264
Requirements: - English and Mandarin Speaking - Familiar with Office tools such as Excel, Work, PPT - Social media marketing skills is a plus - Responsible, Team Player, Good communication skills - Flexible hours (Part Time) - Up to $15/ hour and/or additional commission招聘需求: - 中英文沟通/书写/阅读 -熟悉使用WORD、EXCEL、PPT等办公软件 - 若懂得社交媒体宣传技术将优先考虑 -工作积极主动,耐心细致,责任心强,有团队协作精神,善于沟通; - 具有较强的组织协调能力和执行力,处事灵活; - 工作时间短 - 工资可达$15/1小时,外加佣金Interested parties please contact via whatsapp or wechat: DO
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