


原作者: 下载违法|来自: 查看详细|14-7-2005 11:00

摘要: P我今天收到一份来自SingTel的email, 说我用eDonkey下载违背了商家的利益。请那些经常用BT或Emule的人注意,可能会收到警告信。/P P以下是信的部分内容-----/P PDear XXXXXXX We have received a report of the fol ...
<P>我今天收到一份来自SingTel的email, 说我用eDonkey下载违背了商家的利益。请那些经常用BT或Emule的人注意,可能会收到警告信。</P>

We have received a report of the following copyrighted material(s)
being made available for distribution via your SingNet account.

Date Found: 11 Jul 2005 22:17:39 EDT (GMT -0400)
Network: eDonkey
IP Address: 220.255.***.***
IP Port: 4662
Protocol: eDonkey
Content being offered:
Filename: Discreet 3Ds Max v7.0 German Internal-Pantheon.rar
Filesize: 1,379,074k</P>
<P>We include the notice from BusinessSoftwareAlliance below.

Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials is tantamount to
copyright infringement and may result in legal action being taken
against you by the copyright owner.

We seek your cooperation in discontinuing the distribution of the above
materials immediately and removing these and any other copyrighted
materials from your computer.
<P>Dear Sir/Madam:
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has determined that the connection
listed below, which appears to be using an Internet account under your
control, is using a eDonkey network to offer  unlicensed copies or may
be engaged in other authorized activities relating to copyrighted
computer programs published by BSA's member companies.
While no judicial determination of infringement has been made, we have
a good faith belief that this activity violates Section 31 of the
Copyright Act of Singapore and probably your terms of service as well.
In contacting you in this manner, we seek your prompt assistance in
having the content removed or activity discontinued.  Voluntary,
appropriate action can both render legal measures unnecessary and serve
a positive educational purpose.
Site Details:
Date Found: 11 Jul 2005 22:17:39 EDT (GMT -0400)
Network: eDonkey
IP Address: 220.255.***.***</P>
<P>IP Port: 4662
Protocol: eDonkey
Content being offered:
Filename: Discreet 3Ds Max v7.0 German Internal-Pantheon.rar
Filesize: 1,379,074k

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-14 21:38:47编辑过]
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