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原作者: Cnmbd911|来自: 查看详细|28-1-2015 10:38

摘要: SINGAPORE: The number of job vacancies rose to 67,400 as of September 2014 - an 8.9 per cent increase from 61,900 in 2013. Registered nurses and shop sales assistants were the toughest positions to fi ...
SINGAPORE: The number of job vacancies rose to 67,400 as of September 2014 - an 8.9 per cent increase from 61,900 in 2013. Registered nurses and shop sales assistants were the toughest positions to fill by locals, according to latest data released by the Manpower Ministry (MOM) on Tuesday (Jan 27).
Of the vacancies, service and sales workers were in keen demand, representing 25 per cent of total vacancies, or 15,330 specifically. The positions included shop sales assistants, security guards and waiters, according to the press release.
In September 2014 itself, four in five of all vacancies were from the services industry. The bulk of vacancies came from community, social and personal services, healthcare and tertiary institutes, it added.

Registered nurse was identified as the top PMET position to fill, while shop sales assistants took the position for non-PMET occupations, according to latest data from the Manpower Ministry.
护士的需求量顽固地保持十年不变,对于申请PR来说,另一个捷径就是,做护士。个人觉得,就批准率来说,除了马来西亚华人及投资移民,本地公立本科,POLY, 接下来就是护士了,排除本地居民配偶,其他申请者都要往后挪一挪。如果从中国大陆内引进培养,就申请pr来看,国内一类本科还不如护理专业。或者说,高中毕业后选择护理专业的大专院校对移民新加坡有相对高的机率。

另外,政府会不会对护理专业的WP/SP开绿灯呢? 名额放宽?少税?
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